画像をダウンロード scp safe j 055 254064-Scp safe j 055

SCP7J Safe v01 A face which manifests in toilets Anomalous Ducks Not Specified v06 Duckies!!大量关于SCP055的科学数据已被记录,但无法研究。 已经进行过不止一次的尝试去摧毁SCP055,或者把它从Site 19移动到另外一个站点,但是不知何故全部失败。 SCP055可能有严重的物理威胁,甚至可能已经杀死了数百名人员,而且我们还无从得知。The following SCP's are all classified as Safe (Back to Main Page SCPs) 1 SCP504Critical Tomatoes 11 Trivia 2 SCP517 Grammie Knows 3 SCP529 Josie the Half Cat 4 SCP860Blue Key SCP504 appears to be a normal tomato However, when a poorlymade joke is said within SCP504s' hearing range, 504 will accelerate at about 100 mph to the source of the joke

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Scp safe j 055

Scp safe j 055-SCP055J is believed to be capable of affecting individuals via sensory input, as subjects are incapable of sensing its presence by any means It is speculated that SCP055J actively hides its true nature The most reasonable conclusion for this is that SCP055J is an incredibly hostile entity, possibly of keter, Apollyon or even XKClass Scenario levels of threatSCP4J SCP4J, known as "The Best in the World", is a Safeclass joke object that can be found in the head office, which requires a level 4 or higher keycard to enter Two joints of SCP4J can be found on the table in the room along with a

Tổ Chức Scp La Gi Giới Thiệu Về Tổ Chức Scp Mystown

Tổ Chức Scp La Gi Giới Thiệu Về Tổ Chức Scp Mystown

Item # SCP055 Object Class Keter Special Containment Procedures Object is kept within a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (25) meter square room constructed of cement (fifty (50) centimeter thickness), with a Faraday cage surrounding the cement walls Access is via a heavy containment door measuring two (2) by two point five (25) meters constructed on bearings to5/23/18 · SCP055 może stanowić poważne zagrożenie fizyczne;Safe SCP's SCP Lockdown Wiki Fandom Range Scplockdownfandomcom Related Courses ›› The following SCP's are all classified as Safe (Back to Main Page SCPs) 1 SCP504Critical Tomatoes 11 Trivia 2 SCP517 Grammie Knows 3 SCP529 Josie the Half Cat 4 SCP860Blue Key SCP504 appears to be a normal tomato;

Item #SCP1810 Object ClassSafe Special Containment ProceduresSCP1810 is contained in a Large Humanoid Containment Unit at Site 147, with the addition of a recreation area with assorted toys, books, and art supplies It is to be given three meals daily, in accordance with Foundationemployed dietitian guidelines All meals or beverages given to SCP1810 are to be laced with a特別収容プロトコル scp3472jはサイト56の高価値異常オブジェクト保管棟内にある詰め物をしたロッカーの中に保管されます。 これ以上の収容措置は必要ありません。 サイト管理官アガサ・ドラモンドの命令により、scp3472jの実験は無期限に保留されています。Even printed matter isn't safe the same sick ass choice of words and everything is in captial

Referenced SCPs These are SCPs which have been mentioned in the game but are not seen ingame Item number Object class Appearance SCP055 Keter The ending screen checklist contains a "Recontained SCP055" task which is always checked off ThisSCP174 is a wooden ventriloquial figure measuring 21 cm from head to toe, with somewhat ragged clothing and slight damage to several sections Judging by the item's style and state of repair, it dates from the early th Century The eyes and mouth of SCP174 can be manipulated by means of a mechanism inside the figureScp055dej can only be described in one way, the right one in fact!

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Scp 055 De J Fondation Scp

Description SCP055JP is a small uninhabited island near the coast of It once was owned by Norway, however the island was claimed by the Foundation after reports ofSCP055 is something that causes anyone who examines it to forget its various characteristics, thus making it indescribable except in terms of what it is not;Taken from http//wwwscpwikinet/scp705Support me https//wwwpatreoncom/thevolgunJoin my DISCORD!

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Encyclopedia Of The Scp Foundation Object Classes Wattpad

Encyclopedia Of The Scp Foundation Object Classes Wattpad

The first thing we should note is the year 55, which, if you are somehow out of the loop, is a cheeky reference to SCP055 By the way, SCP055 has a great declass Onwards, while the year 55 could mean any sort of technological innovation we haven't thought up of yet, it also means that contextual clues from the present won't help us hereScp055를 면밀히 관찰한 가 휴즈 박사와 면담을 했는데, 는 자신이 무엇을 하고 있었는지 조차 아예 까먹어버렸고 두시간동안이나 scp055를 봤음에도 그 물체의 형태를 기억해내지 못했다 심지어 휴즈 박사마저도 잠깐동안 scp055의 존재를 까먹기도 했다9/28/18 · This page was last edited on 28 September 18, at 1744 Content is available under CC BYSA 30 unless otherwise noted Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors

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Scp 055 By Dekst0 On Deviantart Scp Scp 169 Scp 076

Scp 055 By Dekst0 On Deviantart Scp Scp 169 Scp 076

Welcome to the SCP Literature Wiki We welcome you Yes, you, the person behind the screen, to the SCP Literature Wiki!SCPSAFEJ 055 is the safest keter Which SCP is God?Please see Addendum for more information Description SCP3740 is a Class VIII humanoid realityaltering entity believed to be Ashur, the AssyroBabylonian god of air and head of the Assyrian pantheon of deities

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The SCP Foundation Cast Current Page EpisodesSCP___J doesn't have a class a rock that makes you procrastinate i'll add more to this laterSafe SCP Series I SCP Series II SCP Series III SCP Series IV Temp Unfinished Kuruni's Mythos Documentary SCP Series II SCP1000 Bigfoot (ไอ้ตีนโต) SCP1003 Tapeworm Child SCP1954 Helen Homemaker's Hints For The Harried Housewife

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Encyclopedia Of The Scp Foundation Scp 999 Wattpad




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